Wednesday 1 May 2013

Prostitution ring New York-New Jersey forced women to have sex 25 times a day

Prostitution ring New York-New Jersey forced women to have sex 25 times a day

NEW YORK: Young Mexicans were driven to rural New Jersey, where their caregivers use threats to make them have sex with 25 agricultural workers per day, the U.S. authorities. Or limited to dingy brothels in the area of ​​New York City who advertise their services with "Girl cards," cards go in the corners to attract customers. They were paid little or nothing at all.

His ordeal was detailed in a criminal complaint charging 13 people with dozens of smuggling to the United States and forcing them into prostitution. Eight of the defendants were jailed without bail Wednesday after an appearance in federal court in Manhattan, four were in custody elsewhere, and one was looking.

The ring "attracted their unsuspecting victims to the United States and then subjected them to a living hell," said U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara in a statement.

The investigation was one of several designed to "block nasty sex trafficking corridor" that is used to exploit victims of Tenancingo, Mexico, said James Hayes, director of Immigration and Customs Enforcement in New York.

Tenancingo, a poor city in the state of Tlaxcala, has long been a haven known for pimps who use a combination of threats, abuse and broken promises of marriage and jobs to put innocent victims, some only in the adolescence, a path to sexual slavery in Mexico City and major cities in the United States.

Most of the victims are finally able to escape, authorities said in court papers. But, they add, "without legal status in the United States, without friends and family for support, no employment opportunities and, as a result of the trauma they suffered, victims sometimes turn to prostitution."

In interviews with investigators, an unidentified woman described how when he refused to work in brothels located in suburban apartments in Queens and Yonkers, she and her son closed the door of his house on a cold winter night. She also told authorities that their pimps, believing she was pregnant, forced to take drugs intended to induce a miscarriage, and was beaten when he tried again to retain part of their earnings.

Another woman reported being in a relationship with a man who smuggled her into the United States, only to discover that he made his living delivering prostitutes to New Jersey to have sex with farmworkers. She said he used threats to force the sex trade for two years before being deported.

According to the complaint, the ring provides victims with condoms and birth control pills while so they have sex with up to 30 men a day. Men pay $ 30 for 15 minutes. Women sometimes had a cut of $ 15, but that usually went to the traffickers.

If convicted, some of the defendants could face a maximum penalty of life imprisonment.

The evidence includes wiretapping of customers and pimps haggling over prices, says the complaint.

"What girls have?" asked one of the customers.

"De Salvador and Mexico."

"How come?"

"They both look good."

The pimp quoted a price of $ 70.

"Can you do it for 60?"

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