Tuesday 30 April 2013

Raping and killing Indian student Tosha Thakkar

Raping and killing Indian student Tosha Thakkar

Melbourne: Australian Prosecutors on Monday demanded a life sentence for a 21-year-old, who pleaded guilty to raping and killing Indian student Tosha Thakkar in 2011, before putting it in a suitcase and discharged into a canal.

The Supreme Court based in Sydney on Monday accused learned that Daniel Stani-Reginald, who lived next door had been planning his crime "cold and calculated" long before he raped the 24-year-old Thakkar.

Daniel got Thakkar's body in a suitcase, threw it in a canal and went home to read an article entitled Principles of a murderer, he thought. Crown Prosecutor Mark Tedeschi has urged Justice Derek Price to impose a life sentence on Daniel, saying he was able to seek notoriety as a serial murderer, reported news agency AAP.

He said that while other people his age go to college or learn a trade, Daniel "made a deliberate decision to school himself about how to be a serial rapist and murderer."

"In the three months before he raped and strangled Thakkar in Croydon unit where he lived next door, had seen a 9500 Internet articles and websites worrying about serial murderers and rapists notorious," the report said addition of the defendants also looked up articles on infamous Australian cases like Dean Shillingsworth, the murdered child whose body was dumped in a suitcase.

Read judgments about the sentences of notorious murderers and view pornography in relation to the "degradation of indigenous women" murdered Thakkar morning, the court heard. After killing Thakkar, Daniel had called a taxi, transported her body in the trunk canal and then went to a mall. He continued his Internet searches for serial murderers, even as police hanging around outside your unit and had an informal conversation with the Thakkar boyfriend that day, the court heard.

"There is not the slightest suggestion that he was horrified by what he had done," said Tedeschi, who added that Daniel has not shown any remorse. "The community would be justifiably aggrieved if he would receive a lesser sentence than life imprisonment," said Tedeschi.

Daniel was convicted of raping and murdering Thakkar on March 9, 2011. His body was discovered by construction workers, two days later.

Thakkar's parents are in Australia for his sentencing hearing. The victim's family told the audience about her pain of losing her only daughter and sister. She was like a sweet little fairy "who brought peace and happiness to all of us and a lot of blessings," they said.

"She used to take care of the whole world with great love and care. Many people wanted to help." Younger brother of Thakkar Dishang said he still found it difficult to accept that his sister had gone.

"I can not express the pain I feel all the time, which is invisible," he wrote in his statement of victim impact. Thakkar was living in Sydney and studying accounting.

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